An Open Letter to the Guilty Among Us…

Dear Moms, Some Dads, Busy People and Anyone-Raised-in-a-Religious-Tradition-that-is-Heavy-on-the-Guilt, I had an epiphany the other day. In church. Which sounds like exactly what is supposed to happen in church, right? Except maybe not this kind. I already wasn't in a very churchy state of mind, if I'm being honest. I'd left one particularly huffy child at … Continue reading An Open Letter to the Guilty Among Us…

How Snapchat Will Lead to the Downfall of Civilization (I’m KIDDING!! But I do have some thoughts…)

It took Snapchat to turn me into my mother. I use Snapchat sometimes...because I have friends who had been wondering their entire lives what I'd look like with a bird beak or tiger spots...and I can remedy that for them. Their lives are that much fuller now, and they owe it all to me. (And … Continue reading How Snapchat Will Lead to the Downfall of Civilization (I’m KIDDING!! But I do have some thoughts…)